Monday, May 29, 2017

The Dog Blog

This is my dog. Tito.

I didn't think I would ever be someone who writes about her dog, but here I am. A couple weeks ago, something began to happen to him. It started as a sort of hiccup-y twitch, then shaking. Then he started to walk as though each step hurt, which soon became obvious that it did. For a couple of days, he improved but then, it started again and got worse. Tito is a dog who has two speeds: on and off. You don't go for walks with him; you go for meanders. Sniffing and investigating, joyfully bouncing up to every dog, person, and cat you see, hoping for whatever attention or treat is available. But when this whatever happened, he didn't want to go out; he only wanted to curl up on his pillow. Then, he only wanted find a place to hide -- like under a desk or the back of a closet -- and sleep.

I began to panic. Tito is not an old dog; he turns five on June 24th.

When we first saw him as a puppy, I *adored* him immediately. We were just looking at different dogs as a way to learn about breeds and behaviors. We hadn't planned to get a puppy, certainly not right then. I had never had a dog, never spent time with a puppy, but this little guy.... When I saw him, that was it.

When we brought him home, I assumed that my kids would be his primary companions. No one told me that that's not how it works. I didn't know the rule: you don't choose the dog...the dog chooses you. Tito chose me.

He loves all of us because I think he understands the fundamental truth that love has no size and that he can love all of us 100% and there's still love to go around. But what I didn't expect was that I became his person. You dog people know what I mean.

I have had cats and guinea pigs, both of which I loved dearly and two of whom loved me back in wonderful ways. I had no idea how it could be with a dog. The absolute devotion has ruined me for life.

So, the first trip to the vet was inconclusive. The second trip to the vet, I was adamant: something was wrong; this was not normal behavior. This time, the vet agreed and guessed that it was a tick-borne illness. It I wanted to pay $300 in bloodwork, we could determine exactly which one...OR ... we could begin treatment. Knowing that the antibiotics would be the same regardless, we started. I gave him a pill for pain and a syringe of foul-smelling -- CHICKEN-FLAVORED!! -- viscous antibiotics once a day. 

It took almost a week to see improvement. Today, day seven, my baby is almost back to his old, silly self, so I am crossing fingers that we really got it. Like I said, I didn't think I would ever be someone who either had or wrote about a dog. But this guy...this little ten-pounds of fluff and adoration has changed me.

The world may be a crappy, terrible place much of the time these days. But Lord, there are dogs.

Thank God for dogs.


  1. So happy for you and Tito, Leslie! Best wishes for continued good health.
