Monday, May 8, 2017

Net Neutrality

Okay, friends - Today's post has to do with a subject that I thought we'd settled: Net Neutrality. Basically, this is the God-save-us simple premise that ALL content going out on internet service providers (ISPs) will arrive on your devices at equal speed. Right now, all ISPs and the government has to keep the speeds equal.

But now, of course, we are in an era of uber-pay-for-play and Drumpf's FCC appointee -- Ajit Pai -- has pledged to take a “weed whacker” to the standing rules. It doesn't take a genius to do the math here. Pay for play? You have no idea.

I had been really pissed about this recent turn of events but had been chalking it up to another Drumpf-era pile of insanity. But last night, I happened to watch John Oliver's show. (As an aside, it scares me how much I adore him and I can only say that I pray he has body guards when he goes out with his family.) He tackled this issue in last night's episode which -- if you are above the age of 12 --  you should see. Definitely NSFW language but oh, so on-point.

If you have time to watch the episode, here it is:

If not, I will cut to the chase. John Oliver walked through the latest political shenanigans, as he did several years ago on THE SAME TOPIC, and also as he did, rallied those of us with functioning brain cells to give the FCC some choice words on why we NEED TO KEEP NET NEUTRALITY A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD.

What he pointed out, though, is that the government has made it *extraordinarily difficult* to figure out HOW to do this. So, he -- BRILLIANT man -- created a URL that we can go to which takes us directly to the page where the comments section is.

And the name of this URL: "GOFCCYOURSELF". Honest to God, have I mentioned how much I love this man???

So DO IT. If you don't know anything about net neutrality, then Google it. Right now, you can Google with the same speed as Bing. (Though really, why would you want to use Bing?)  Do a quick read and then weigh in. Yes, you will have to give your name and address. Don't be paranoid. It's too important.

The encore? We keep something sane in this country.

Thanks for listening.

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