Sunday, March 25, 2018

In Praise of Celebrating Small Occasions

I have a friend who celebrates small occasions. It's not that she ignores big occasions, but as part of her professional life, she has learned that sometimes celebrating small occasions can be the more powerful tool.

She is an interfaith chaplain in an urban hospital, which means that not only is she versed in the rituals of multiple faith traditions but she has become aware of the life -- and death -- traditions of people from all over the world. She believes in the power of art and tangible items to help us honor and hold the power of each moment.  And I have benefited from this practice of hers, too.

For example, in February, she gave me a mug with a W on it. My name doesn't begin with a W but as I looked at this beautiful ceramic mug, with it's twining flowers and vines, she explained that she wanted me to know that she knew I was experiencing a mark in time. She was aware that I was holding it heavily and that the W stood for "Wonder Woman". She told me she was proud of me for my strength in the previous year. I was moved to tears, by the beauty of the gift and the loving gesture behind it.

I am a believer in this practice, too. My friend is a giver of cards, a remember-er of occasions. I rarely quote the Bible but one verse that has always been a powerful one for me comes from the book of Isaiah. Isaish 43:1, which in the English Standard Version is translated as:  "I have called you by name, you are mine."

This idea that something bigger than us -- for which you can use the word "God", if you like -- knows us that well and is calling us by name is a powerful idea. To be known so well that the smallest of moments can be held up and honored can go beyond language. For me, at least. 

SO today, I celebrate. And YOU are part of this celebration too. Last week was the anniversary of this blog. ONE YEAR of blogging. I know there are much more prolific bloggers than I but this is a mark of time I couldn't imagine reaching. 

One day at a time, as they say in AA. One post at a time.

So friends, thank you for listening and reading. I have appreciated the feedback you've given me. Go find some delicious cake or cookies, whatever strikes your fancy. Pour a cup of something hot and raise your glass. Cheers to one year...and onto the next. 



  1. I just made a batch of sugar cookies, which turned into snickerdoodles halfway through. Celebrating!

  2. Fantastic! Thank you dear Buffy!!!
